
The plant stall would love your contributions: any plants can be dropped off at Sunrise, North Street in Broad Chalke or or bring on the day.

Wilton Band at this year’s Chalke Valley Fete and Produce show as well Sarum Morris dancers and much more.

Now school holidays are here have a look at the children’s classes to keep them busy. Or “make a scarecrow” can be an individual or group activity!


Trophies – if you have a trophy from last year (or even earlier!) please remember to hand in by10th August to The Hub or Sue Fry’s  house


The Chalke Valley Fete is a huge undertaking and is only possible with the help of many volunteers.

Can you help?

Either on the day to man one of the activities for an hour or so

Or on Friday 16th August 10.a.m. to help with grounds preparation – getting Chalke Valley Sports Centre ready for the event

All help to make this event such a superb community activity is really appreciated

Please get in touch via

or via Facebook